When On the week of Parashat Vayeyshev, I had an idea: maybe the snack could be PART of the torah lesson? I purchased some apples, some grapes, and some toothpicks sliced the various apples, and put them all in front of the children. Voila’! The Parsha Nosh was born!
I later recreated this first “masterpiece;” here it is:
I was surprised how much the children loved this! They got to be active, crafty and eat tasty food! Even better, I found that they REMEMBERED what they had learned!
The catalogue of ideas grew. Eventually I had two sets of snack ideas: one, like the first, which consisted of healthy, tasty, whole foods, and one consisting of shelf-stable food that was always at the ready.
My children are now grown, but with their encouragement I am sharing these ideas, which I never would have had had it not been for them.