Please see the Nature’s Nosh for most of the instructions. This week, in this link I am only including adjustments for the use of only Shabbos Stash ingredients.
To make a cherub solely out of marshmallows (remembering to dip your scissors into powdered sugar in between each snip!), cut a “wing” off of each flat side of the marshmallow. Lay each wing on your work surface with the sticky side UP. Then snip off off of the remaining edges to create a flat surface.

Place the last snipped surface on your work surface so the two sticky sides are on either side. Trim the bottom part (if you want) to make a “head” and stick on the front. Attach the “wings” to the sides. Note that in the photos I had the sticky side front to back, but I am not completely pleased with how that turned out.

To use marshmallows as rings, cut one large marshmallow in a way to keep it as broad as possible, for each two rings. You will need it big to fit around the pretezel rods.

Cut a hole in the middle large enough to fit around the pretzel rods. I used a frosting tip.

Make sure to dip the “rings” in powdered sugar so they don’t stick to everything. Or, if you want to get fancy, dip them in gold sprinkles!
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