Ingredients as shown:
- 1 Gingerbread Person
- 1 Pretzel Sticks
- Fruit Leather (if using a long strip like “Fruit by the Foot” (used here) one roll can be shared between two snacks
- Golden and brown raisins, and craisins, for eyes, mouth, and hair. I used:
- 1 raisin for eyes
- 1 craisin (or a bit more fruit leather) for mouth
- 1 large golden raisin for hair

- Scissors
- Take a portion of the fruit leather, make into clothing.

2. Cut two slivers of raisins, press cut portions in place to make eyes. Cut a sliver of fruit leather or craisin, add mouth.

3. Choose raisin or craisin matching your hair color (or any other color). Cut and press cut portion onto gingerbread person to make hair (I chose the most orange of the golden raisins, and only needed one large raisin, cut into four strips).

4. If using a fruit leather round, cut into a strip that is narrower than the length of the pretzel sticks. Place pretzel sticks on edges and roll together to form a scroll. You may want to make it lopsided as shown; after all, we are finishing one, and starting the next!

5. Press scroll on to your person, and dance!