

Understanding the Calendar

The Torah refers to the month in which Passover occurs, to which we now refer as Nissan, as the “first month,” as it was the first month after the exodus. This can be very confusing to today’s Jews, who think of the month of Rosh Hashana, Tishrei, as the first month. This Parsha Nosh is intended to help us understand the calendar.

I have decided to take the 12 months, illustrated like a clock, mark the biblical holidays as they are designated in the Torah, flip the “clock” so you can see how we think of them today, and then add the newer holidays and fast days.

Jelly Bean Calendar:

Carrot Calendar

Finally, you may be interested in seeing the original concept, before I thought of illustrating the calendar change as a clock:

How will YOU illustrate the holidays? Will you use animal crackers to represent the Jewish zodiac? Will you choose a different color theme? Let me know!

Reiterating the Concept of Leaving Gleanings for the Poor

Parashat Emor reiterates the requirement to leave the gleanings of the field for the poor. Though this is a repetition of last week’s snack, you can make it again, make it in another way, or make it for the first time if you missed last week.

Gathering Wheat, Leaving Gleanings

Gathering Wheat, Leaving Gleanings

Torah Thoughts

The Meaning of Modeh Ani