

The text explaining how leprosy is reported, examined, and dealt with takes almost the entire parsha, beginning at Leviticus / Vayikra 13:1. Though far too long to copy into this post, I recommend that you read the text itself.


  • 1 gingerbread man (I used Gingerman cookies by Pepperidge Farm, which are not too big. One bag is enough for 16 snacks, I think.
  • WHITE STUFF: Powdered sugar or marshmallow fluff or cream cheese or butter (you get the idea)
  • EYES: 1 raisin or two black sesame seeds, or a bit of black licorice or sliver of a black jelly bean
  • MOUTH: 1 craisin or a sliver of red fruit leather or red jelly bean


  • Knife or scissors


  1. Put whatever white stuff you are using on a part or all of the gingerbread man.
  2. Add eyes, cutting a sliver of the raisin if that is what you are using.
  3. Cut whatever you are using as a mouth to the right size. Try to make it look unhappy. Press to gingerbread man.

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