Exodus 14:10: “And as Pharoh neared, the children of Israel saw that Egypt (the Egyptians) was riding after them. And they were very frightened, and cried out to G-d.
14:13: “And Moshe said to the people: Don’t be afraid. Stand firm, and see the saving acts of G-d, which he will do for you today… .
14:15: “And G-d said to Moshe… .
14:16: “… lift our rod, and hold your hand over the sea, and part it, and the children if Israel will come in the sea, via dry land.
14:22: “And the children of Israel came in the sea, on dry land, and the waters stood on their right and on their left.
Though this week’s parsha has so much exciting imagery, I knew we have to start with the parting of the sea. There we were, the sea before us, chariots chasing us, nowhere to go, and then… the sea parts. And we walk through. The HIGH of the moment, barely daring to believe it was real, that it was safe to walk through… we relive it every year, traveling, through story and reenactment, from slavery to freedom, but also from certainty into the unknown.
- 5 sheets of graham crackers
- 3 bear-shaped animal crackers
- 2 (or more) fish-shaped animal crackers
- (optional) animal crackers shaped like cattle or other animals we had in our possession and took with us
- powdered sugar
- a bit of water
- blue decorative sugar
- Jelly beans to hold up people (optional)
- Spoon
- Something to prop up the graham crackers
- Put powdered sugar in a bowl. Add a few drops of water at a time until it is spreadable.
2. Coat 4 of the graham crackers with the powdered sugar glaze.

3. Sprinkle blue sanding sugar on the glazed cookies, concentrating on one end.

4. Press fish shaped crackers (if you have them) into the glazed crackers. If you have them, you can even add duck shaped crackers towards the top. Wait for glaze to dry a bit.

5. Place unglazed cookie on your plate to be “sand.” Prop glazed crackers up on either side.

6. Attach jelly bean shoes to “people” if doing so (optional). Walk to freedom!