
Parashat Va’eira: The lessons we learn as children shape us.

Almost every Jew, no matter how removed or secular, attends Passover seder most years.  Since childhood, we learn that being who we are matters, and our lives matter and are worth defending, but that we still do not rejoice in the pain of others, ever of our enemies, even if they are trying to kill us.  For this reason when we recite the ten plagues, we simultaneously remove a drop of wine from our class for each plague (and for the summary that follows), to reduce our joy.

This balance of compassion and self-preservation, taught to us since childhood, has become integral to our personhood and peoplehood.  It is for this reason that Israel famously (for those who are paying attention) sets up field hospitals to treat even those we are fighting; we take care of even our enemies, as soon as they are not a threat.

I am proud to be a Jew, proud of the people Israel, and proud of the State is Israel.

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