Choosing the Path of Torah
So… after posting my Parashat Bechukotai ideas, when it was already Shabbat, I thought about this parsha. The complete text is very important, but for visual purposes, it says the path of mitzvot LOOKS less attractive, but the path away from mitzvot is fraught (with the natural consequences of one’s actions). I was thinking of the path away mitzvot as an obstacle course, though this visual would work, too. Any thoughts? Ideas? Write to
Also, I realized a better way to do the celery idea (if one wants to do that one) is to make two strips of red pepper and two strips of green pepper. Arrange the red pepper end into an “X” and the green pepper end into a check mark.

Fertile Land and Plenty of Food when we Follow the Path of Torah
(hopefully coming soon, but if not use a small container, overflow with anything tasty!)
Torah Thoughts
In this week’s parsha, G-d tells us the consequences of following the mitzvot (good, green for go) and, conversely, the consequences of not following them (bad red for stop). G-d reminds us, though, that no matter what we do, no matter how stubborn we are, and no matter how long it takes, He will always be ready for us to come back. Our covenant is eternal, and it is never too late to go back to the right path.