

Torah Thoughts

In parashat Bamidbar, the Children of Israel organize themselves for the travel into the desert. Each tribe (descendants, by the patrilineal line, of one of the sons of Jacob/ Ya’acov/ Israel’s) is assigned a location around the Ark of the Covenant and the portions of the Mishkan, which are in the care of the Levi tribe. Each tribe also has its own flag, which, according to Midrash Raba, was based on Jacob/ Ya’acov/ Israel’s blessings to his children before his death, as he saw their characters, in Bereishit / Genesis, beginning at 49:2.

This week, we can either show how the location of each tribe, create one (or more) flags, or some combination of both.

Organization of Tribes with their Flags, around the Ark of the Covenant

For a SHABBOS STASH version (conceptualized but not yet made or photographed), you can make flags with fruit leather. Use pretzel sticks as poles!

CAUTION: If making on Shabbat, it is my understanding that one should not use a non-food item to attach two food items.

A SHABBAT-FRIENDLY VERSION (not yet made or photographed, but for you to try if you wish) would be to take mini pepper and cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise (each half making a flag), and arrange on your plate to reflect the placement of the tribes. A chart with the placement of the tribes, along with the colors of their flags, can be found HERE.