
Nature’s Nosh

  • Parting of the Sea (Nature’s Nosh)

    Exodus 14:10: “And as Pharoh neared, the children of Israel saw that Egypt (the Egyptians) was riding after them. And they were very frightened, and cried out to G-d. 14:13: “And Moshe said to the people: Don’t be afraid. Stand firm, and see the saving acts of G-d, which he will do for you today……

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  • Celery Locust

    Bo / Nature’s Nosh Well… we were iced in when I was preparing this week’s parsha, so the photo shown does not reflect the envisioned final project. However, believe me…putting this little celery guy on a pretzel rod adds quite a bit, both to the visualization and the snack! Ingredients: Tool: Instructions: 2. Choose one…

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