Shmot / Exodus
Celery Locust
Shmot / Exodus 10:1 (translation is somewhat paraphrased and interpreted for the sake of clarity of the story and accuracy of meaning) And G-d said to Moses: come to Pharaoh, for I have burdened (traditionally translated as hardened) his heart, and that of his servants, so as to create the opportunity of displaying my signs*…
Shmot / Va’Eira Shabbos Stash: Moses and Aaron approach Pharaoh.
Aaron, to show proof of the message comes from G-d, follows G-d’s instructions and throws down his staff, which turns into a snake. Pharaoh’s magicians show they can do the same. But even when Aaron’s snake eats theirs, Pharaoh refuses to let us go to the desert to worship G-d. The 10 plagues follow… Though…
Shmot/Baby Moses made of Rice and Seaweed
Exodus / Shmot 2:1 Man from the tribe of Levi married a woman from the tribe of Levi.* וַיֵּלֶךְ אִישׁ מִבֵּית לֵוִי וַיִּקַּח אֶת־בַּת־לֵוִי׃ 2:2 And the woman became pregnant, and gave birth, and saw that her son was healthy.** And she hid him for three months. וַתַּהַר הָאִשָּׁה וַתֵּלֶד בֵּן וַתֵּרֶא…
Baby Moses in a Basket
Exodus / Shmot 2:1 Man from the tribe of Levi married a woman from the tribe of Levi.* וַיֵּלֶךְ אִישׁ מִבֵּית לֵוִי וַיִּקַּח אֶת־בַּת־לֵוִי׃ 2:2 And the woman became pregnant, and gave birth, and saw that her son was healthy.** And she hid him for three months. וַתַּהַר הָאִשָּׁה וַתֵּלֶד בֵּן וַתֵּרֶא…