Exodus 25:10: “Make an ark of acacia wood….
11: “Coat it with pure gold within and without, and around it make a garland of pure gold.
12: “Make four gold rings for the four corners, two on one side, and two on the other.
13: “Make poles out of acaia wood, and coat them with gold.
14: “Insert the poles into the rings, in order to carry the ark.
15: “But do not remove the poles from the rings.
16: “Place within this ark the pact (tablets on which the 10 Statements (sometimes referred to as the “10 Commandments”) which I will give you.
17: “Make a lid of pure gold…
18: “Make 2 charubs of hammered gold, on the two ends of the lid
19: “Make one on one end, and other on the other end of lid; make them for the two ends.
20: “And the cherubs shall have their wings outstretch upward, shielding the lid with their wings, and they shall face each.
21. “You will put the lid on the ark, after you inert the pact which I will give you.
22. “And … my voice will emanate from between the two cherubs, which are on the ark of the covenant, with that which I will tell command you regarding the children of Israel.”
NOTE: the ark was supposed to have legs. It would not have sat on the ground. But I couldn’t figure out how to put stable legs on this. If you can figure out how, send me a note, and include photos if possible!

- 2 pretzel rods
- 1 sheet graham crackers (4 crackers)
- 1 date OR 2 marshmallows (see Shabbos Stash version)
- 4 dried apricots (note: The ingredients photo only shows 2) OR 2 marshmallows (see Shabbos Stash version)
- 2 whole almonds OR two pieces of your favorite cereal (not needed if making Shabbos Stash cherubs)
- Sliced almonds OR two more apricots, each cut in half OR four more pieces of your favorite cereal (not needed of making Shabbos Stash cherubs)
- Nut butter OR cream cheese OR powdered sugar just barely moistened with water

Something round with which to punch out a hole in the apricots, or just a knife or pair of sissors
- Cut hole in apricots large enough to fit the pretzel rods. Cut the date in half, and snap one graham cracker in half.

2. Using the nut butter, form a box using the graham crackers.
3. Taking one date half at a time, press a whole almond in to form a head. Add sliced almonds to form wings. Dates are soft enough that just pressing should be enough to make them stay in place. Place on top of box, wings out, facing each other.
4. Slip two apricot slices on each pretzel rod. Place on either side of the “ark.”

5 responses to “The Ark of the Covenant (Nature’s Nosh)”
You are amazing. Just curious, do you have a nut free alternative. Love Auntie B
Yes, and thank you for asking! First, one can simply think about shapes, and use anything the right shape instead of the nuts.
But I was thinking to substitute a marshmallow for the entirety of each of the cherubs. I will shortly post what I have come up with so far, but (being slightly under the weather and also trying to catch up on my day job work) it is not up to my usual standards. If anyone has any ideas, please post, or e-mail your photos to parshanosher@yahoo.com!
Hi, Auntie! Uploaded as requested. Your suggestions are SO appreciated, and I am taking them into account! Some I have already implemented, some are next on the list. See https://parshanosher.com/ark-of-the-covenant-shabbos-stash/
Maybe walnuts or pecans would look more feathery for the wings? Or crinkle cut carrots for non-nut?
Love the use of the apricots!!
Great ideas! Thank you!