
We are All in it Together


Vayakhel / וַיַּקְהֵל*Exodus  35:1-38:20

*merged with Pekudei when not a Jewish leap year

Parashat Vayakhel tells the story of donating to and building the Mishkan.   I have no brilliant insights this week, just a sort of secondary nostalgia.  It was a time when everyone felt they had something to contribute, and everyone was in it together.  We, whether as Jews or as human beings, as ones who share this planet, need to remember:  we ALL can contribute, we ALL can make a difference, and we are all, ultimately, in it together.

Talya Bernstein Galaganov

One response to “We are All in it Together”

  1. Ilana Pomeranz Avatar
    Ilana Pomeranz

    I beg to differ – you have a brilliant thought.
    I love this Parsha thought a lot. Yishar Kochech!!!!!!

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