

  • Carrot Calendar

    Leviticus 23:4 These are the times that G-d decreed to be holy, as you will call them, in their appointed times. ד  אֵלֶּה מוֹעֲדֵי יְהוָה, מִקְרָאֵי קֹדֶשׁ, אֲשֶׁר-תִּקְרְאוּ אֹתָם, בְּמוֹעֲדָם. 23:5 On the fourteenth day of the first month, between the quarters [in the afternoon, there will be a Passover [offering] for G-d. ה  בַּחֹדֶשׁ הָרִאשׁוֹן, בְּאַרְבָּעָה…

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  • Jelly Bean Calendar

    Leviticus 23:4 These are the times that G-d decreed to be holy, as you will call them, in their appointed times. ד  אֵלֶּה מוֹעֲדֵי יְהוָה, מִקְרָאֵי קֹדֶשׁ, אֲשֶׁר-תִּקְרְאוּ אֹתָם, בְּמוֹעֲדָם. 23:5 On the fourteenth day of the first month, between the quarters [in the afternoon, there will be a Passover [offering] for G-d. ה  בַּחֹדֶשׁ הָרִאשׁוֹן, בְּאַרְבָּעָה…

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  • What it Means to be “Am Kadosh”

    by Ilana Pomeranz, guest contributer Parashat Kdoshim begins with the statement: “The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to the whole Israelite community and say to them: You shall be holy.” Leviticus/Vayikra 19:2, and ends with “You shall be holy ” Leviticus/Vayikra 20:26. What is the meaning of this ? Is there a Torah basis…

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  • Gathering Wheat, Leaving Gleanings

    The admonition to leave food for the poor and resident alien appears in both Parashet Kedoshim and the parsha immediately following, Emor: Parashat Kedoshim: Leviticus / Vayikra 19:9 When you reap the harvest of your land, do not cut all the way to the edges of your field, and do not gather the gleanings of…

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  • Gathering Wheat, Leaving Gleanings

    The admonition to leave food for the poor and resident alien appears in both Parashet Kedoshim and the parsha immediately following, Emor: Parashat Kedoshim: Leviticus / Vayikra 19:9 When you reap the harvest of your land, do not cut all the way to the edges of your field, and do not gather the gleanings of…

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  • Marshmallow He-Goat

    Cut a marshmallow as shown: Put the small piece on your working surface cut side up. Dipping your scissors in powdered sugar between each poke, poke four holes in the cut side of the large marshmallow to attach legs, and one in the front of the smaller side for the neck. Snap pretzels to form…

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  • Passover/Pesach

    Given that Passover is basically ALL symbolic food, I do not (currently) plan to post a ParshaNosh for Shabbat of Passover. I highly recommend a Hillel sandwich! However, I may change my mind…

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  • Carrying the Torah through the Desert

    I want to share what I realized at last week’s Shabbat service. When the Torah service began, we sang, as usual, It happened upon the journeying of the Ark, Moses said, “Rise, Eternal,” and Your enemies were dispersed, and Your foes were put to flight from before You. וַיְהִי בִּנְסֹעַ הָאָרֹן וַיֹּאמֶר מֹשֶׁה קוּמָה  יְהֹוָה…

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  • Cured Leper Bathing

    Leviticus / Vayikra 14:1 And G-d said to Moshe: וַיְדַבֵּר יְהֹוָה אֶל־מֹשֶׁה לֵּאמֹר׃   14:2 These are the rules for purification from Leprosy.  The Kohen comes… זֹאת תִּהְיֶה תּוֹרַת הַמְּצֹרָע בְּיוֹם טׇהֳרָתוֹ וְהוּבָא אֶל־הַכֹּהֵן׃   14:3 … [to the afflicted person] outside the camp.  And [if the Kohen] sees the leper has been cured from…

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  • Leper

    The text explaining how leprosy is reported, examined, and dealt with takes almost the entire parsha, beginning at Leviticus / Vayikra 13:1. Though far too long to copy into this post, I recommend that you read the text itself. Ingredients: Tools: Instructions:

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