

  • Question for the Community: Have Jelly Bellies changed?

    Back when my children were little and I created the “Shabbos Stash” concept, I used jelly beans all of the time, and always Jelly Bellies. I could get them in a large container at Costco (I had a whole class, so it was worth it). They were kosher, cheap, came in all sorts of colors,…

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  • Ark of the Covenant (Shabbos Stash)

    Please see the Nature’s Nosh for most of the instructions. This week, in this link I am only including adjustments for the use of only Shabbos Stash ingredients. To make a cherub solely out of marshmallows (remembering to dip your scissors into powdered sugar in between each snip!), cut a “wing” off of each flat…

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  • Creating a Mikdash for Hashem

    How is it possible to notice something new about something one has seen, heard, sung, or said literally thousands of times?  Maybe it is just because I have become really interested of late in Shorashim (root words) and how they are connected, but this past Shabbat, I noticed for the first time the part of…

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  • The Ark of the Covenant (Nature’s Nosh)

    Torah Trumah / תרומה : SHMOT (EXODUS) 25:1-27:19 (link to the text on Sepharia) Exodus 25:10: “Make an ark of acacia wood…. 11: “Coat it with pure gold within and without, and around it make a garland of pure gold. 12: “Make four gold rings for the four corners, two on one side, and two…

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  • Helping your Enemy with his Fallen Donkey (Nature’s Nosh)

    Torah Link to the text on Sepharia: Exodus 23:5: “When you see the donkey of your enemy unable to stand due to its load, … you have to help him, even if you do not want to do so.” (loose translation) (Who knows? Maybe you’ll make a friend! Either way, we do what is right…

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  • Every Person has a Godly Soul

     Mishpatim / משפטים : SHMOT (EXODUS) 21:1-24:18 (all links to citations will take you to the text on Sepharia.org) While preparing for this week’s ParshaNosher post, I was particularly struck by the beauty of the language of Exodus 23:12 , which reads: “Six days you will do the things that you do[i]/       ששת ימים…

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  • Eagle (Nature’s Nosh)

    Yitro / יתרו : Shmot (Exodus) 18:1-20:23 Exodus 19:5: “You saw what I did to the Egyptians; I carried you on the wings of eagles, and brought you to me.” Ingredients: Tools: Instructions: 2. Take two more apricots. Either slit through the entire side, or make individual slits where you want to add slivered almond…

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  • Parting of the Sea (Nature’s Nosh)

    Exodus 14:10: “And as Pharoh neared, the children of Israel saw that Egypt (the Egyptians) was riding after them. And they were very frightened, and cried out to G-d. 14:13: “And Moshe said to the people: Don’t be afraid. Stand firm, and see the saving acts of G-d, which he will do for you today……

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  • Celery Locust

    Bo / Nature’s Nosh Well… we were iced in when I was preparing this week’s parsha, so the photo shown does not reflect the envisioned final project. However, believe me…putting this little celery guy on a pretzel rod adds quite a bit, both to the visualization and the snack! Ingredients: Tool: Instructions: 2. Choose one…

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  • Parashat Va’eira: The lessons we learn as children shape us.

    Almost every Jew, no matter how removed or secular, attends Passover seder most years.  Since childhood, we learn that being who we are matters, and our lives matter and are worth defending, but that we still do not rejoice in the pain of others, ever of our enemies, even if they are trying to kill…

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