
Shmot / Exodus

  • Moshe Rabbeinu Holding the Tablets of the Decalogue

    Exodus 24:12 And G-d said to Moses:  come up to me towards the mountain.  And be there.  And I will give you the stone tablets and the law and the commandments which I wrote in order to guide you.   ַיֹּאמֶר יְהֹוָה אֶל־מֹשֶׁה עֲלֵה אֵלַי הָהָרָה וֶהְיֵה־שָׁם וְאֶתְּנָה לְךָ אֶת־לֻחֹת הָאֶבֶן וְהַתּוֹרָה וְהַמִּצְוָה אֲשֶׁר כָּתַבְתִּי…

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  • Moses Holding Tablets

    Exodus 24:12 And G-d said to Moses:  come up to me towards the mountain.  And be there.  And I will give you the stone tablets and the law and the commandments which I wrote in order to guide you.   ַיֹּאמֶר יְהֹוָה אֶל־מֹשֶׁה עֲלֵה אֵלַי הָהָרָה וֶהְיֵה־שָׁם וְאֶתְּנָה לְךָ אֶת־לֻחֹת הָאֶבֶן וְהַתּוֹרָה וְהַמִּצְוָה אֲשֶׁר כָּתַבְתִּי…

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  • About Translations

    Though I will continue to translate most of the text myself, I thought it would be disingenuous to claim I was doing so for Parashat Tetzaveh, as both snacks consist of making the Choshen, and I no independent knowledge of the meaning of the various stones. As such, I looked at the Sefaria.com Terms and…

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  • Standing Up to G-d

    Torah Ki Tisa / כִּי תִשָּׂא : SHMOT (EXODUS) Exodus  30:11-34:35 (link to the text on Sepharia) Everyone knows the story, and I knew it, too, or so I thought.  Moshe Rabbeinu goes up to Mount Sinai, the people below miscalculate and think he failed to return on time, and make a golden calf.  G-d…

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  • Do we Still have Choices if the Choices are Made for Us?

    Reading through Parashat Tetzaveh brought to my mind two things issues that frequently occupy my thoughts:  The push-pull relationship we have with G-d, and how to know what G-d wants from us. My very favorite part of the Torah comes right before we enter into Israel.  When Moshe Rabbeinu conveys how the land is to…

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  • Question for the Community: Have Jelly Bellies changed?

    Back when my children were little and I created the “Shabbos Stash” concept, I used jelly beans all of the time, and always Jelly Bellies. I could get them in a large container at Costco (I had a whole class, so it was worth it). They were kosher, cheap, came in all sorts of colors,…

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  • Ark of the Covenant (Shabbos Stash)

    Please see the Nature’s Nosh for most of the instructions. This week, in this link I am only including adjustments for the use of only Shabbos Stash ingredients. To make a cherub solely out of marshmallows (remembering to dip your scissors into powdered sugar in between each snip!), cut a “wing” off of each flat…

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  • Creating a Mikdash for Hashem

    How is it possible to notice something new about something one has seen, heard, sung, or said literally thousands of times?  Maybe it is just because I have become really interested of late in Shorashim (root words) and how they are connected, but this past Shabbat, I noticed for the first time the part of…

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  • The Ark of the Covenant (Nature’s Nosh)

    Exodus 25:10: “Make an ark of acacia wood…. 11: “Coat it with pure gold within and without, and around it make a garland of pure gold. 12: “Make four gold rings for the four corners, two on one side, and two on the other. 13: “Make poles out of acaia wood, and coat them with…

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  • Helping your Enemy with his Fallen Donkey (Nature’s Nosh)

    Torah Link to the text on Sepharia: Exodus 23:5: “When you see the donkey of your enemy unable to stand due to its load, … you have to help him, even if you do not want to do so.” (loose translation) (Who knows? Maybe you’ll make a friend! Either way, we do what is right…

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