
Nature’s Nosh

  • Aaron Dressed for Work (Nature’s Nosh)

    Leviticus 8:6 And Moshe brought Aharon and his sons [Nadav and Avihu] closer, and washed them with water. וַיַּקְרֵ֣ב מֹשֶׁ֔ה אֶֽת־אַהֲרֹ֖ן וְאֶת־בָּנָ֑יו וַיִּרְחַ֥ץ אֹתָ֖ם בַּמָּֽיִם׃ 8:7 And [Moshe] dressed [Aharon] the tunic, and belted him with the sash, and put on that the cloak, and placed upon him the Eiphod (apron), and secured the cloak…

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  • Leaving Gleanings for the Poor

    Leviticus 19:9 And when you cut the grain on your land, do not cut the corners of your fields, and do not gather that which falls.   וּבְקֻצְרְכֶם אֶת-קְצִיר אַרְצְכֶם לֹא תְכַלֶּה פְּאַת שָׂדְךָ לִקְצֹר; וְלֶקֶט קְצִירְךָ לֹא תְלַקֵּט. 19:10 And not go back to gather what you missed from your vineyard, nor that which fell. …

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  • Fish with Fins and Scales

    Leviticus 11:9 Of all that which is in the water, whether in the ocean or in the rivers, you may eat [only] those that have fins and scales. אֶת־זֶה תֹּאכְלוּ מִכֹּל אֲשֶׁר בַּמָּיִם כֹּל אֲשֶׁר־לוֹ סְנַפִּיר וְקַשְׂקֶשֶׂת בַּמַּיִם בַּיַּמִּים וּבַנְּחָלִים אֹתָם תֹּאכֵלוּ׃ 11:10 And all that which does not have fins and scales, whether in…

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  • Animal (Cracker) Sacrifice

    Leviticus 1:1 And G-d called to Moses, and spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, and said: וַיִּקְרָא אֶל־מֹשֶׁה וַיְדַבֵּר יְהֹוָה אֵלָיו מֵאֹהֶל מוֹעֵד לֵאמֹר׃   1:2 Speak to the Children of Israel and tell them:  If one of you make a sacrificial offering of cattle or sheep, you shall bring your offering… דַּבֵּר…

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  • Menorah

    Torah Pekudei/  פְקוּדֵי   Exodus  38:21-40:38 The Mishkan and all of its parts are finally completed! Time to put everything in place and light the Menorah! The Shabbos Stash and Nature’s Nosh this week are almost identical, so I am only making a single post. Exodus 39:32 And all of the work of building the Tent…

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  • Wise-Hearted Women Donating Cloth

    Torah *Vayakhel / וַיַּקְהֵל Exodus  35:1-38:20 Exodus 35:26: “And all the wise-hearted women donated cloth they had spun / וְכׇל־הַנָּשִׁים אֲשֶׁר נָשָׂא לִבָּן אֹתָנָה בְּחׇכְמָה טָווּ אֶת־הָעִזִּים׃ This is a fun project that can be done all sorts of ways. As you can see, the bodies are cucumbers. I purchased multi-colored carrots and used a…

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  • Moshe Rabbeinu Holding the Tablets of the Decalogue

    Torah Ki Tisa / כִּי תִשָּׂא : SHMOT (EXODUS) Exodus  30:11-34:35 (link to the text on Sepharia) Exodus 24:12 And G-d said to Moses:  come up to me towards the mountain.  And be there.  And I will give you the stone tablets and the law and the commandments which I wrote in order to guide…

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  • The Ark of the Covenant (Nature’s Nosh)

    Torah Trumah / תרומה : SHMOT (EXODUS) 25:1-27:19 (link to the text on Sepharia) Exodus 25:10: “Make an ark of acacia wood…. 11: “Coat it with pure gold within and without, and around it make a garland of pure gold. 12: “Make four gold rings for the four corners, two on one side, and two…

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  • Helping your Enemy with his Fallen Donkey (Nature’s Nosh)

    Torah Link to the text on Sepharia: Exodus 23:5: “When you see the donkey of your enemy unable to stand due to its load, … you have to help him, even if you do not want to do so.” (loose translation) (Who knows? Maybe you’ll make a friend! Either way, we do what is right…

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  • Eagle (Nature’s Nosh)

    Yitro / יתרו : Shmot (Exodus) 18:1-20:23 Exodus 19:5: “You saw what I did to the Egyptians; I carried you on the wings of eagles, and brought you to me.” Ingredients: Tools: Instructions: 2. Take two more apricots. Either slit through the entire side, or make individual slits where you want to add slivered almond…

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